Parts of the grapevine

partes de la cepa

In order to bring you closer to the wine culture, today’s post will be dedicated to the grapevine, its origin and the beginnings of the wine we like to drink so much.

If we want to learn we have to start from the beginning.

To sum up we can say that from the grapevine will sprout vine shoots, leaves and fruits. It can be a vinification grapevine from which we will obtain wine, or what we call in spanish a table grapevine which is the one we couldn’t obtain wine from and use only to eat fresh and dried grapes.

These are the different parts of the grapevine :

  • Roots : Most of the times they are subterranean and they are in charge of affixing the plant to the ground, absorbing the water and minerals, and accumulating reserve substances.
  • Trunk : Twisted and cracked, it is covered by a bark which is divided in linear strips. Its height changes depending on the varietal and the conducting system chosen. The trunk’s job is to hold the arms and green stems of the grapevine, conducting the water and the sap as well as the reserve substances storage.
  • Arms : In charge of carrying nutrients and dividing vegetation and fruits in the grapevine itself.The arms carry the shoot stems sprouted that year which can be called green stems when they are herbaceous or shoots when they are rigid.
  • Vine shoots : New branches the vine produces each year which are called green stems in their initial stage. They are made of a series of knots which carry the buds, leaves, tendrils and bunches.
  • Spurs : Vine shoot piece with a variable number of buds which are left after the pruning.



